Searching for Our Books

Searching for Our Books on the Internet

We have close to 7000 books available on the ABE Books search service on the Internet. To search through these books by topic or key words, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on BOOK SEARCH below. You will go to a page provided by ABE Books from which you can search our book database.
  2. Enter the appropriate topic and/or key words in the space provided and click on Start Search. (You can also search by author and title on the same page.)
  3. If you find a book (or books) you are interested in purchasing, you can either purchase the book through the ABE Books e-commerce facility, or e-mail or call us directly. In the latter case, we can check to make sure we have the book available and provide you with details about its content and/or condition. Payment can be via credit card, check or through PayPal. We offer free shipping in the USA on all of our books listed on ABE Books whether ordered through ABE Books or directly from us. For foreign shipment, most books can be shipped in International Priority Mail envelopes for a charge of $13. ($11. to Canada). If the book is too large for a Priority Mail envelope, we will be happy to quote the postage.

NOTE: Occasionally when you are searching our books, ABE Books will display all of the books available for all dealers for a given keyword rather than just our books. If such a display occurs, simply use the back arrow to return to this page and click on BOOK SEARCH again.